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Hounslow Borough Town Centres

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News on Hounslow Borough Town Centres

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Phase 1 engagement - summary documents

Thank you for taking the time to tell us your views about Hounslow’s town centres and ideas for their future development. In the survey in 2020 (September and November) we asked residents, visitors, businesses and stakeholders to comment on issues and ideas for each town centre.

We have read all your comments comments carefully and a summary of all your responses can be found here

Commonplace summary report - Feltham

210217_Commonplace summary report - Hounslow FINAL.pdf

210217_Commonplace summary report - Brentford FINAL.pdf

210217_Commonplace summary report - Chiswick FINAL.pdf

Your comments and ideas have been used to develop a vision for the future for each town centre.

The purpose of these visions is to set out a clear direction for each town centre to support them to prosper, evolve an f d innovate, and to agree the priorities for future investment and positive change.

We would now like your views on these emerging visions. A survey will go live on on Friday 19th February and stay open until Monday 15th March.

We will also be holding community workshops - invite to follow

The revised Vision documents will be published later in the Spring after your feedback has been analysed and taken into account, and the visions adapted.

Posted on 19th February 2021

by Kate Bull, Head of Economic Recovery & Regeneration